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10 Luck Attraction Tips you can use starting now!

I have noticed that people who always seem to attract Good Fortune tend to

have certain ways of thinking.

And right now there are 10 things I want to share with you!

#1    The first thing I want to tell you is to watch your thoughts.
Because whatever you are thinking in life, you are attracting.

This is so important, I need to repeat it.

Whatever you are thinking in life, you are attracting.
And your current thoughts right now,  are creating your future!

The more you think good thoughts and feel good right now,

the more you will attract good, both now and in your future.


People who attract luck and money in their life, think of doing things that attract luck and money.

They then begin to expect luck and money. Soon they start making new friends with other lucky,

forward moving people. And they ultimately attract luck and money....


People who aren’t lucky, tend to be thinking of what they don’t have. And they focus on not having luck and money. When they mostly think about what they don’t have, they will probably not attract what they want. Because they are not making any changes or solving any problems... And the unlucky person tends to attract tired out friendships with unlucky and problem filled people.  So think good thoughts.  And make friends with others that think good thoughts! And good things are bound to develop for you.


#2    Always try to be optimistic about your future. If something goes bad, think about how much worse it could be. I am an optimistic person and I believe we can make your future better.

#3     This is a good tip to share with your children/grandchildren.  I notice the luckiest people always keep learning new things and meeting new people.  Invest in yourself.  Learn new marketable skills. And you’ll find new opportunities and they will find you!

#4     This tip is absolutely vital:  Have courage to meet the people who are living the kind of life you’d like to be living. This is very important. It may be a little scary, but it works. Do the things they do. Read the things they read. Talk about the things they talk about. You become like the people you know and are around the most.

#5    If you are not sure whether to do something, ask yourself "If I do this now, will I be happy tomorrow?" Then listen to your instincts. If the answer is no, then you probably shouldn't do it.


#6     Feel relaxed and talk with many people. Many people I know seem to go from one good lucky thing to another good lucky thing. Because they are happy, relaxed and friendly people. And happy, relaxed, friendly people who trust their instincts, tend to attract more luck and opportunities.


#7     Do things that are full of goodness.  Volunteer. Contribute to people’s lives. When you help others get lucky, you will attract more luck. Because you will deserve to be lucky.

#8     Count your blessings every day and be grateful for what you have.

#9     Before you fall asleep every night and when you wake up in the morning,  you should think the type of positive thoughts we just talked about.

#10     Because you found me, I believe you are a spiritual person.                                                      

And you are interested in attracting good things into your life.   I make Spiritual Products. In the old time way, With real Roots and Herbs. I believe you will benefit from my products and guidance!   There are several reasons why we see so many people seemingly benefit from spiritual products.


Spiritual Products have been shown to give people a boost because they can have a kind of excited, mystical
feeling that makes you feel more positive. (Especially when they’re from nature,  like my products.)


Spiritual products partially seem to work  by stimulating a part of our brain called the “The gatekeeper”.  This part decides what you are aware of. Which can lead you to recognize new ways to get what you desire, new opportunities and new possibilities!


You should use my products.  I believe you will benefit from them!

Good Luck. I know you'll do great!  Blessings.

Link back to Grandma's most popular tips page.

© 2024 Grandma Rosa All rights reserved. - All our products are sold as curios only.  Spiritual tools.  Historical based novelties.  We make no product claims, supernatural or otherwise.  And we claim no special psychic ability. (What we stand for is the opposite of consulting a "psychic".  Our aim is to help you build yourself up through doing your own spiritual work.)  Our intention is to use heritage based folk spiritualism to feed your mind with positive thoughts and feed your spirit with positive energy. We do not guarantee any specific outcome. We do guarantee you will pleased with our products or your money back.  Odds in games of chance are unchanged by spiritual products. Products offered with games of chance titles are so called because of their historical folk spiritual use. Luck and gambling charms have been used in folk spiritualism since almost the dawn of man. And all our products are based on heritage and long time tradition. Health products are intended to build your spirit up. They are never a substitute for your doctor's care. We believe Medical science plus your own strong spirit equals the best chance for health improvement.  All services are for entertainment only.  We specialize in combining old time spiritual products with modern self improvement methods and guidance. 


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