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Below is my full catalog of handmade spiritual products.

All of my products are all natural! And made true to the old time traditions!


Starting at only $8.99!

Mystical Gemstone Jewelry


We believe Gemstones, like everything in nature, are from the "Hand of God." And there is a power in them, that you can use!

Surround yourself with good Power... to help you make good changes and become the person you want to be! Starying today!

For every 3 necklaces you order, I'll hand select an extra necklace for you Free when I pack your order!


Want my advice? Write to us. Tell us your troubles, your hopes and desires. 

We can help you create a custom care package or choose one of my tried and true care packages.

For every 2 care packages you order, I'll hand select an extra care package for you Free when I pack your order!

Grandma Rosa's Famous Care Packages

Mystical Oils


All of my oils are handmixed with herbs, roots, gemstones and other powerful gifts from Mother Nature.

For every 3 oils you order, I'll hand select an extra oil for you Free when I pack your order!


All of my liquid soaps are made with roots and herbs mixed in. Use on your Hands/Body/Hair.

I feel they're the finest spiritual soaps anywhere!

For every 3 soaps you order, I'll hand select an extra soap for you Free when I pack your order!

Uplifting Soaps


I mix pure salt crystals from the Seven Seas with Roots and Herbs from the Good Earth.

Nothing artificial. Simply sprinkle in your home, work, clothing and more.

For every 3 powders you order, I'll hand select an extra powder for you Free when I pack your order!

Magical Sprinkling Powders


Spiritually cleanse your home. Juse use on your floor, walls, counters, etc...

Simply mix my Home Wash with your favorite cleaning solution or water.

For every 3 home washes you order, I'll hand select an extra home wash for you Free when I pack your order!

Home Washes with Goodness and Power


Soak in life changing energy! Our baths are made with Ocean Salts combined with roots and herbs...

and for extra power, each bath comes with Gemstones to place around your tub.

(When you're done with your bath, put the stones back in their charm bag and carry with you for good energy.)

For every 3 baths you order, I'll hand select an extra bath for you Free when I pack your order!

Life Refreshing Baths


Brings goodness into your home. Made with roots, ocean salts and a special gemstone dropped in for power!

For every 3 sprays you order, I'll hand select an extra spray for you Free when I pack your order!

Sprays with Goodness and Power


Made the old fashion way from Legendary formulas. Nothing artificial.

For every 3 incenses you order, I'll hand select an extra incense for you Free when I pack your order!

Herbal Incenses

Fire and Stone Circles - Candle Packages


When we placed mystical Gemstones & Herbs around our Candles we felt a strong power. You should definitely feel their 

energy! And this is really 2 products in 1. After your candle is done, put the stones in their charm bag & carry for good fortune!

For every 3 Candle Packaages you order, I'll hand select an extra Candle for you Free when I pack your order!

© 2024 Grandma Rosa All rights reserved. - All our products are sold as curios only.  Spiritual tools.  Historical based novelties.  We make no product claims, supernatural or otherwise.  And we claim no special psychic ability. (What we stand for is the opposite of consulting a "psychic".  Our aim is to help you build yourself up through doing your own spiritual work.)  Our intention is to use heritage based folk spiritualism to feed your mind with positive thoughts and feed your spirit with positive energy. We do not guarantee any specific outcome. We do guarantee you will pleased with our products or your money back.  Odds in games of chance are unchanged by spiritual products. Products offered with games of chance titles are so called because of their historical folk spiritual use. Luck and gambling charms have been used in folk spiritualism since almost the dawn of man. And all our products are based on heritage and long time tradition. Health products are intended to build your spirit up. They are never a substitute for your doctor's care. We believe Medical science plus your own strong spirit equals the best chance for health improvement.  All services are for entertainment only.  We specialize in combining old time spiritual products with modern self improvement methods and guidance. 


              Call us

        303 620 9797

We're Happy to assist

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